If you think you’ve heard everything, you’re just not trying hard enough. Tune in and join me for some far out music from all over the place! (Also, for the record, corn syrup is bad, don’t believe everything you see on TV).
Songs Played
- Second Hand “Somethin’ You Got” [Death May Be Your Santa Claus]
- Salt “I Can’t Believe” [b/w Hung – Up ]
- Audrey Arno “Willst Du Mein Boy Friend Sein (Teen Queen Of The Week) Twist” [b/w Mulero Bossa Nova (Ja, Ja, Ja, Bossa Nova Ist Da!)]

- Hirut Bekele “Woine Alew Beju” [b/w Jebahar Dar Hareg]
- Noice “I Natt E Hela Stan Vår” [b/w En Kväll I T-Banan]
- The Feathers ” Tryin’ To Get To You” [b/w My Baby’s Soul Good]

- Tatsu Yamashita “Silent Screamer” [Ride On Time]
- Billy Dyce & The Untouchables “Unity Is Love” [b/w Unity Is Love (Version)]
- Advertising “Lipstick” [b/w Advertising]
- Adam Best “You Shouldn’t Say” [Wall Of Sound]
- Tiny Desk Unit “Take Me To Paris” [Naples]
- Jan Jones “Independent Woman” [b/w Independent Woman (Part 2)]

- Los Llamas “Siboney” [Los Llamas]
- The Dome City Rock Orchestra “Quiet Village Part II” [b/w Quiet Village Part I]
- Mittagspause “Innen Stadt Front” [Mittagspause]
- Joe Thomas “Tongue Twister (Vocal)” [b/w Tongue Twister (Instrumental)]
- Isaac Price II “Funky Sweep” [b/w Let’s Make Love While It’s Raining]
- The Reds “Fatal Slide” [Fatal Slide]

- Bill Ramsey “Bossa Nova Baby” [b/w Wer Heisst Hier Jonny ? (Witchcraft)]
- Delegation “Heartache N. 9” [b/w You And I]
- Piero “Si Vos Te Vas” [b/w Mi Viejo]
- Nana “I Think We’re Alone Now” [Féerique]

- Lesiman “Cerchio Doppio” [Here And Now Vol. 1]
- 1000 Ω ” Look Around” [b/w A.g.n.e.s.]
- Vitu “Two Of Hearts (Vocal)” [Two Of Hearts]
- The Lautrec “Canaly” [Rag Doll]
- Master Plan Inc. “Heartbreaker” [Master Plan Inc.]
- Johnny Sayles “I Can’t Get Enough (Of Your Love) / Hold My Own Baby” [b/w Hold My Own Baby]

- Dub Specialist “Hi Fashion Dub” [Hi Fashion Dub Top Ten]
- 黒色エレジー “Warrior” [– 黒色エレジー]
- Video Kids “Woodpeckers From Space (Pájaros Carpinteros Desde El Espacio)” [b/w Rap And Sing Along (Recita Y Canta Con Nosotros)]