Songs Played
- Zulu Gang “I Got A Magic Feeling Making Love” [Magic Feelings]
- Escalators “Here Comes That Girl Again” [Escalators]
- Oscar Martinez Orch. “Tortillitas De Manteca” [b/w Me Quieres-O-No Me Quieres?]
- The Beach Bullies “Zip Zip” [We Rule The Universe]
- The Constellations “I Didn’t Know How To” [b/w Popa Daddy]

- Schörkmayr’s Band “Der Wald” [Angebliche Uranvorkommen In Lappland]
- Sonny Day And The Tony Ray Combo “Creature From Outer Space” [b/w Beyond The Shadow Of A Doubt]
- Teresa Harris & The Gene Parker Quintet “UFO” [b/w Good-Bye]
- The Flying Pickets “Only You” [b/w Disco Down]
- Todd Baker “Storm Waves” [Train I’m Riding]
- Toney Snow “Truck Driver Story” [Truck Driver Story]

- Jona Lewie “You’ll Always Find Me In The Kitchen At Parties” [b/w Bureaucrats]
- Saturn “Lady Moonglow” [b/w Leave the Door To Your Heart Open]
- Mike McNaught And David Delve “Up In The Sky” [Rupert And The Firebird]

- Imitation “Thermo Limbo” [Muscle And Heat]
- Yonara “Menino” [b/w Estou Amando]
- Robosexual “Sterling” [City Kids]
- Robert Broberg “I Wanna Be A Machine” [b/w I Love Things]

- I Gres “Hot Dogs” [I Gres]
- Alfred Ndima “Hoza-E-Khaya” [Sea Water]
- Nasmak “Notions” [Nasmak Plus Instruments, Instruments Plus Nasmak]
- 75 “საჭიდაო” [75]
- The Tapes ” Lonesome Max” [ Passport Records]
- The Seclusions “Seclusion Theme” [Isolation For Creation]

- Caterina Valente “Kismet” [b/w Abschiedsrosen]
- Tick Tick “Disco Smirk Hopeless Smiling” [The Immortalisation Of Tick Tick]
- Riki Troy “Miami Beach” [b/w Linda (Is The Girl For Me)]
- Don Varner “More Power To Ya” [b/w Handshakin’]
- Claude Thornhill And His Orchestra “Mambo Nothing” [b/w Adios]
- Frankie Smith “Double Dutch Bus” [b/w Double Dutch]
- Tipsy “Tipsy” [b/w Madeira]

- Yumi Takigawa “女ごころはボサノバ” [紅夜想曲]
- Les Sans Nom “Oba-Oba” [Largely Latin]